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Notice of Aquatic Herbicide (ProcellaCor) Treatment for Aquatic Invasive Species--Eurasian Water Milfoil Reduction in Lake Iroquois

Posted Monday, June 17, 2024

Signs are posted at each road leading to the lake, along adjacent roadways, at the beach, and the boat access.

On the day of treatment, the LIA will provide water for those who draw their cooking or drinking water from the lake.  Information on where and when water can be picked up will be sent out on the LIA email. You can subscribe to the email list here:

There are no restrictions on using the lake. However, the Vermont Department of Health recommends, out of an abundance of caution, that there be no use of the lake’s waters on the day of treatment including boating, fishing, swimming, domestic (household) use or irrigation.

The approved treatment plan along with the full notice of this treatment, the permit, and much more information and details can be found on the Milfoil Control page on the LIA Website: