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July is Lake Appreciation Month

Posted Monday, July 1, 2024

Give the lake some love this month!

Governor Phil Scott has officially proclaimed July as Lake Appreciation Month in Vermont. This month take some time to stop and notice how lucky we are to live in a place with so many beautiful and clean lakes and ponds. Our own Lake Iroquois is already a lovely place and getting cleaner and healthier every year. But protecting our lakes and ensuring they remain clean and healthy doesn’t just happen – it takes all of us to do our part. Volunteer lake associations shoulder much of this work but all lake users have a role. Whether you swim or boat, live on the lake, or just visit occasionally, it’s important that you use best practices to protect the lake from invasives and pollutants.  To learn more about what you can do to protect these precious resources, visit our website and especially read through the pages on preventing invasives and protecting lake health. If you own lakefront property, a must-read is the Property Owner’s Manual which you can download here. Also, take a look at the resources on the Shoreland Health page to learn more about lake friendly landscaping. Loving our lake means taking care of our lake. Happy Lake Appreciation Month!

The full text of the Governor’s Proclamation can be found here.