If you were out at the lake this week, you may have spotted a large group of black birds swimming in circles together in the middle of the lake. These are Black Scoters. They often appear on Lake Iroquois in late October as they migrate south and east to the Atlantic coast. Nicknamed “Halloween birds” by Chip Wright due to the male colors- black body with orange beak - and their appearance here right around the end of October. Black Scoters are sea ducks, spending their summers in Arctic regions and migrating south to winter along the mid-Atlantic coast. They will briefly stop off to rest on inland freshwater lakes and ponds during migration. They feed on insects and small mollusks and crustaceans. Because Black Scoters nest in the very far north, it is difficult to estimate their population, but according to the Cornell University Ornithology Lab, it is believed that their numbers are declining, and they are considered “near endangered”. While they usually spend only a day or two on our lake each fall, they are always interesting and fun to see.

Protecting Lake Iroquois
Nestled amid the rolling hills of mid-Chittenden County, Lake Iroquois is a 237-acre spring and tributary-fed body of water surrounded by the towns of Williston, Hinesburg, Richmond and St. George. The Lake Iroquois Association is a steward of this haven for recreation, wildlife, and the surrounding ecosystem.
Controlling Invasives

Learn how LIA continues to work to prevent and control the spread of invasive species such as Eurasian milfoil, water chestnut, and zebra mussels.
Water Quality

We maintain and improve the lake's water quality through 40+ years of data, stewardship projects, plant surveys and a detailed manual for lakeshore property owners.
Meet our greeters, spot wildlife, swim in the clean water, learn about boat safely, and have an enjoyable time at the lake.