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Two Loons Have Hatched!

Posted Friday, June 10, 2022

We are thrilled that the loon pair has not only returned to Lake Iroquois but has successfully nested. And the best news of all is that two baby loons hatched this week. You might see the babies riding on the backs of the parents and very soon they will be swimming along with the adults. Please be careful on the water – the little ones can be hard to see.  While it is always a pleasure to be able to watch the loon family on the lake, please remember to keep your distance and don’t follow them if they swim away from you. 

If you would like to know more about Vermont’s loons, loon behavior, and how to protect our loons, check out the Vermont Loon Conservation Project at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Here you can learn about loons and find guidance on how to enjoy observing them without disturbing them. 

Happy Summer!